We do our level best to get all birds their own pages on this page as soon as they arrive, and we’ve been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with it. The birds who have been here the longest are the ones without pages. See the buttons for the current list of birds and the application for adoption below.
Cooper, Monk Quaker Parakeet
Pickles & Mr. Belvedere - Quaker & Cockatiel
Cruella & Azure - And other Budgies
Paco, Scarlet Macaw
Dookie, Blue & Gold Macaw
Kelly, Severe Macaw (Mini Macaw)
Rudy & Lola Greenwing and Blue & Gold Macaws
Chewy & Booboo, Blue & Gold Macaw and Blue Front Amazon
Stitches, Monk Quaker Parakeet
Coco, African Ringneck Parrot
Tzippy, Blue Indian Ringneck Male Parrot
Adopted! Boba, Blue Crown Conure
Adopted! Carmen, Senegal Parrot (Poicephalus)
ADOPTED! ❤️ Rosie & Nala, Green Cheek Conure Pair
ADOPTED! ❤️ Andy, Severe Macaw (Mini Macaw)
ADOPTED! ❤️Dino (Greenwing Macaw) and Lolo (Blue & Gold Macaw
ADOPTED! ❤️ Grack, Yellow Collared Macaw
ADOPTED! ❤️ Bubby (Cherry Head Conure)
ADOPTED! ❤️ Mango, Sun Conure
ADOPTED! ❤️ Leo & Luna, Green Cheek Conure Pair
ADOPTED! ❤️Lapis & Latte, (Indian Ringneck Parrots)
Adopted! Kirby, Umbrella Cockatoo
Adopted! Mango, Red Lored Amazon
Adopted! Friday, Blue Front Amazon
Adopted! Scarlet, Suncheek Green Cheek Conure
Adopted! Toby, Blue & Gold Macaw
Adopted! Marco, Solomon Island Eclectus
Adopted! Molly, Yellow Naped Amazon
Adopted! Kai, Turquoise Green Cheek Conure